"Conducting user research with personality in mind: When planning user research studies, consider including personality assessments (such as the Big Five Inventory) to gain insights into participants' personality profiles or include questions that will provide you some insight into the user personality."

Do you have a case study in which the design team included (or was allowed to include) this in the research/test recruitment? While I see the benefit of doing this, I wonder if this is feasible to carry out.

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Would there be any practical example or case study where these personality traits have been used to show it changed design for good.

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Good question and something I'm planning to discuss in more detail in a future article! I have used this approach when creating user personas or archetypes and then adopting the design so that it's consistent with their needs. Extraversion, for example, was a factor that we found affected the primary reason users signed up for our app, so we included a short question during onboarding to measure extraversion and used that to personalise the experience.

Check out the concept of personalityzation by Arazy for more examples and applications. I'll also be covering this in future post

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